[Zoom] Morning Yin + Qi Gong by Asako (75 min) at 9am Sat on 12 Dec 2020 -completed
[Zoom] Morning Yin + Qi Gong by Asako (75 min) at 9am Sat on 12 Dec 2020 -completed
Come join to rest and reset your mind and body with 75mins Yin Yoga practice infused with Qi gong taste to gain more energy flow in your body. Revitalize and rejuvenate yourself with this calm but firm practice. Yin Yoga is a very slow practice with long held pauses. This is because the practice is targeting deep connective tissues like ligaments, tendons and fascia. By working on yin tissues in your body, you can remove blockages and let Chi flow throughout the body. By squeezing and releasing targeting area in yin pauses, you will experience deep relaxation and release not only for your body but for your mind, too. So this practice could be your meditation. Set aside your busy life and enjoy the serenity and harmony to find your true self. Beginners are welcome.
- Class Level: All levels (beginner to intermediate)
- Intensity: Moderate
Language: English (このクラスは英語で提供されます)
Props (optional): -
- Application: Zoom (You don't have to download in advance. You can just click the link we provide.)
- Recorded video: available (accessible 48 hours only)
About Asako
Asako started yoga in 2006 with Shilpa Ghatalia at Yogshakti in KL. After taking many workshops such as Buteyko, Body Cleansing, Meditation and several 21day courses, she took Yogshakti’s Integrative Teacher Training Course and completed her Yoga Alliance RYT200 in 2015 and RYT500 certification in 2018 with Shilpa and Paddy Mcgrath.
She recently finished 65hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training with JoPhee. Asako discovered that yoga is not just about taking care of the body but it is useful in bringing about awareness off the mat in everyday life. Being introduced to the philosophy of Advaita by Ragi Kadirgamar was a real eye opener for her. In classes, she works on the energy body in order for the Chi to flow unobstructed throughout the body.
Asako teaches at Yogshakti, HotYo and Under The Light yoga studio. She also offers private classes, yoga for Scoliosis classes, meditation and Yoga Nidra Sessions. She is also Gendai Reiki Master.
2006年よりKLのYogshaktiにおいてShilpa Ghatalia に師事。 様々なワークショップ、ブテイコ呼吸法などを学んだ後、2012年よりシンガポールへ。アメリカからのゲストテイーチャー、Elise MillerやMarcia Monroeから脊柱側湾症のためのヨガを学ぶ。 2014年に再来馬し、Yogshaktiにて全米ヨガアライアンス100時間のテイーチャートレーニングを開始。2015年にRYT200時間を終了。 2018年Shilpa Ghatalia, Paddy Macgrathのもと全米ヨガアライアンス500時間を取得。2019年 JoPhee陰ヨガ65時間ティーチャートレーニング終了。 主に陰ヨガ(筋膜リリース)、瞑想、Integrative Yogaのクラスを担当。 クラスでは、それぞれが決して無理をせずに体の声を聞きながら、ゆったりと気を全身に巡らせていく事を心がけている。 KLでは、Yogshakti / Under The Light / HotYo (日本語クラス) / プライベートでクラスを開講中。現代レイキマスターとしても活動中。
- How it works -
Pick the class and purchase online. You will automatically receive the link to attend the class together with the Order confirmation mail.
Get your mat ready! Position your laptop or phone about 2 meters away from you.

With just one click, log into your digital classroom and start your yoga practice with a teacher who sees and supports you!

![[Zoom] Morning Yin + Qi Gong by Asako (75 min) at 9am Sat on 12 Dec 2020 -completed](
![[Zoom] Morning Yin + Qi Gong by Asako (75 min) at 9am Sat on 12 Dec 2020 -completed](
![[Zoom] Morning Yin + Qi Gong by Asako (75 min) at 9am Sat on 12 Dec 2020 -completed](
![[Zoom] Morning Yin + Qi Gong by Asako (75 min) at 9am Sat on 12 Dec 2020 -completed](