UNLIMITED PASS (30th 31st May 2020)
UNLIMITED PASS (30th 31st May 2020)
You can attend as many classes as you can ( up to 8 classes, equivalent of RM 192 or USD 44 ) from listed below with this pass.
** This pass is applicable for ticket purchaser only. It can’t be shared with your friend or family.
30th May 2020 (GMT+8) 4 classes
10am- 11.15am : INSIDE FLOW by Lora Frances
12pm- 1pm : VIKASA FLOW by Atilia Haron
3pm- 4pm : STICK YOGA AT HOME by Jo Chan
5pm-6.30pm : YIN YOGA FASCIA RELEASE by James' Wong
31st May 2020 (GMT+8) = 4 classes
10am-11.30am : ARM BALANCE AND HEAD BALANCE by ALL Rasid
12pm- 1.30pm : TRIPSICORE INSPIRED HOLLOWBACK by Kevin and Yeong Lee
3pm- 4pm : INVERSION AT HOME by Esther
5pm- 6pm : SADHANA by Will Duprey
Total 8 classes